syntax = "proto3"; package proto; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; option java_multiple_files = true; // Must be true because of private access in files. option optimize_for = CODE_SIZE; message Count { int64 count = 1; } message MultiQueryResult { string name = 1; repeated bytes results = 2; int64 count = 3; } message MultiQueryResultArray { repeated MultiQueryResult result = 1; } message AgeRatingResult { repeated AgeRating ageratings = 1; } message AgeRating { uint64 id = 1; AgeRatingCategoryEnum category = 2; repeated AgeRatingContentDescription content_descriptions = 3; AgeRatingRatingEnum rating = 4; string rating_cover_url = 5; string synopsis = 6; string checksum = 7; } enum AgeRatingCategoryEnum { AGERATING_CATEGORY_NULL = 0; ESRB = 1; PEGI = 2; CERO = 3; USK = 4; GRAC = 5; CLASS_IND = 6; ACB = 7; } enum AgeRatingRatingEnum { AGERATING_RATING_NULL = 0; THREE = 1; SEVEN = 2; TWELVE = 3; SIXTEEN = 4; EIGHTEEN = 5; RP = 6; EC = 7; E = 8; E10 = 9; T = 10; M = 11; AO = 12; CERO_A = 13; CERO_B = 14; CERO_C = 15; CERO_D = 16; CERO_Z = 17; USK_0 = 18; USK_6 = 19; USK_12 = 20; USK_16 = 21; USK_18 = 22; GRAC_ALL = 23; GRAC_TWELVE = 24; GRAC_FIFTEEN = 25; GRAC_EIGHTEEN = 26; GRAC_TESTING = 27; CLASS_IND_L = 28; CLASS_IND_TEN = 29; CLASS_IND_TWELVE = 30; CLASS_IND_FOURTEEN = 31; CLASS_IND_SIXTEEN = 32; CLASS_IND_EIGHTEEN = 33; ACB_G = 34; ACB_PG = 35; ACB_M = 36; ACB_MA15 = 37; ACB_R18 = 38; ACB_RC = 39; } message AgeRatingContentDescriptionResult { repeated AgeRatingContentDescription ageratingcontentdescriptions = 1; } message AgeRatingContentDescription { uint64 id = 1; AgeRatingContentDescriptionCategoryEnum category = 2; string description = 3; string checksum = 4; } enum AgeRatingContentDescriptionCategoryEnum { AGERATINGCONTENTDESCRIPTION_CATEGORY_NULL = 0; ESRB_ALCOHOL_REFERENCE = 1; ESRB_ANIMATED_BLOOD = 2; ESRB_BLOOD = 3; ESRB_BLOOD_AND_GORE = 4; ESRB_CARTOON_VIOLENCE = 5; ESRB_COMIC_MISCHIEF = 6; ESRB_CRUDE_HUMOR = 7; ESRB_DRUG_REFERENCE = 8; ESRB_FANTASY_VIOLENCE = 9; ESRB_INTENSE_VIOLENCE = 10; ESRB_LANGUAGE = 11; ESRB_LYRICS = 12; ESRB_MATURE_HUMOR = 13; ESRB_NUDITY = 14; ESRB_PARTIAL_NUDITY = 15; ESRB_REAL_GAMBLING = 16; ESRB_SEXUAL_CONTENT = 17; ESRB_SEXUAL_THEMES = 18; ESRB_SEXUAL_VIOLENCE = 19; ESRB_SIMULATED_GAMBLING = 20; ESRB_STRONG_LANGUAGE = 21; ESRB_STRONG_LYRICS = 22; ESRB_STRONG_SEXUAL_CONTENT = 23; ESRB_SUGGESTIVE_THEMES = 24; ESRB_TOBACCO_REFERENCE = 25; ESRB_USE_OF_ALCOHOL = 26; ESRB_USE_OF_DRUGS = 27; ESRB_USE_OF_TOBACCO = 28; ESRB_VIOLENCE = 29; ESRB_VIOLENT_REFERENCES = 30; ESRB_ANIMATED_VIOLENCE = 31; ESRB_MILD_LANGUAGE = 32; ESRB_MILD_VIOLENCE = 33; ESRB_USE_OF_DRUGS_AND_ALCOHOL = 34; ESRB_DRUG_AND_ALCOHOL_REFERENCE = 35; ESRB_MILD_SUGGESTIVE_THEMES = 36; ESRB_MILD_CARTOON_VIOLENCE = 37; ESRB_MILD_BLOOD = 38; ESRB_REALISTIC_BLOOD_AND_GORE = 39; ESRB_REALISTIC_VIOLENCE = 40; ESRB_ALCOHOL_AND_TOBACCO_REFERENCE = 41; ESRB_MATURE_SEXUAL_THEMES = 42; ESRB_MILD_ANIMATED_VIOLENCE = 43; ESRB_MILD_SEXUAL_THEMES = 44; ESRB_USE_OF_ALCOHOL_AND_TOBACCO = 45; ESRB_ANIMATED_BLOOD_AND_GORE = 46; ESRB_MILD_FANTASY_VIOLENCE = 47; ESRB_MILD_LYRICS = 48; ESRB_REALISTIC_BLOOD = 49; PEGI_VIOLENCE = 50; PEGI_SEX = 51; PEGI_DRUGS = 52; PEGI_FEAR = 53; PEGI_DISCRIMINATION = 54; PEGI_BAD_LANGUAGE = 55; PEGI_GAMBLING = 56; PEGI_ONLINE_GAMEPLAY = 57; PEGI_IN_GAME_PURCHASES = 58; CERO_LOVE = 59; CERO_SEXUAL_CONTENT = 60; CERO_VIOLENCE = 61; CERO_HORROR = 62; CERO_DRINKING_SMOKING = 63; CERO_GAMBLING = 64; CERO_CRIME = 65; CERO_CONTROLLED_SUBSTANCES = 66; CERO_LANGUAGES_AND_OTHERS = 67; GRAC_SEXUALITY = 68; GRAC_VIOLENCE = 69; GRAC_FEAR_HORROR_THREATENING = 70; GRAC_LANGUAGE = 71; GRAC_ALCOHOL_TOBACCO_DRUG = 72; GRAC_CRIME_ANTI_SOCIAL = 73; GRAC_GAMBLING = 74; CLASS_IND_VIOLENCIA = 75; CLASS_IND_VIOLENCIA_EXTREMA = 76; CLASS_IND_CONTEUDO_SEXUAL = 77; CLASS_IND_NUDEZ = 78; CLASS_IND_SEXO = 79; CLASS_IND_SEXO_EXPLICITO = 80; CLASS_IND_DROGAS = 81; CLASS_IND_DROGAS_LICITAS = 82; CLASS_IND_DROGAS_ILICITAS = 83; CLASS_IND_LINGUAGEM_IMPROPRIA = 84; CLASS_IND_ATOS_CRIMINOSOS = 85; } message AlternativeNameResult { repeated AlternativeName alternativenames = 1; } message AlternativeName { uint64 id = 1; string comment = 2; Game game = 3; string name = 4; string checksum = 5; } message ArtworkResult { repeated Artwork artworks = 1; } message Artwork { uint64 id = 1; bool alpha_channel = 2; bool animated = 3; Game game = 4; int32 height = 5; string image_id = 6; string url = 7; int32 width = 8; string checksum = 9; } message CharacterResult { repeated Character characters = 1; } message Character { uint64 id = 1; repeated string akas = 2; string country_name = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4; string description = 5; repeated Game games = 6; GenderGenderEnum gender = 7; CharacterMugShot mug_shot = 8; string name = 9; string slug = 10; CharacterSpeciesEnum species = 11; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 12; string url = 13; string checksum = 14; } enum GenderGenderEnum { MALE = 0; FEMALE = 1; OTHER = 2; } enum CharacterSpeciesEnum { CHARACTER_SPECIES_NULL = 0; HUMAN = 1; ALIEN = 2; ANIMAL = 3; ANDROID = 4; UNKNOWN = 5; } message CharacterMugShotResult { repeated CharacterMugShot charactermugshots = 1; } message CharacterMugShot { uint64 id = 1; bool alpha_channel = 2; bool animated = 3; int32 height = 4; string image_id = 5; string url = 6; int32 width = 7; string checksum = 8; } message CollectionResult { repeated Collection collections = 1; } message Collection { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; repeated Game games = 3; string name = 4; string slug = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 6; string url = 7; string checksum = 8; CollectionType type = 9; repeated CollectionRelation as_parent_relations = 10; repeated CollectionRelation as_child_relations = 11; } message CollectionMembershipResult { repeated CollectionMembership collectionmemberships = 1; } message CollectionMembership { uint64 id = 1; Game game = 2; Collection collection = 3; CollectionMembershipType type = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 6; string checksum = 7; } message CollectionMembershipTypeResult { repeated CollectionMembershipType collectionmembershiptypes = 1; } message CollectionMembershipType { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; string description = 3; CollectionType allowed_collection_type = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 6; string checksum = 7; } message CollectionRelationResult { repeated CollectionRelation collectionrelations = 1; } message CollectionRelation { uint64 id = 1; Collection child_collection = 2; Collection parent_collection = 3; CollectionRelationType type = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 6; string checksum = 7; } message CollectionRelationTypeResult { repeated CollectionRelationType collectionrelationtypes = 1; } message CollectionRelationType { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; string description = 3; CollectionType allowed_child_type = 4; CollectionType allowed_parent_type = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 6; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 7; string checksum = 8; } message CollectionTypeResult { repeated CollectionType collectiontypes = 1; } message CollectionType { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; string description = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 5; string checksum = 6; } message CompanyResult { repeated Company companies = 1; } message Company { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp change_date = 2; DateFormatChangeDateCategoryEnum change_date_category = 3; Company changed_company_id = 4; int32 country = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 6; string description = 7; repeated Game developed = 8; CompanyLogo logo = 9; string name = 10; Company parent = 11; repeated Game published = 12; string slug = 13; google.protobuf.Timestamp start_date = 14; DateFormatChangeDateCategoryEnum start_date_category = 15; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 16; string url = 17; repeated CompanyWebsite websites = 18; string checksum = 19; } enum DateFormatChangeDateCategoryEnum { YYYYMMMMDD = 0; YYYYMMMM = 1; YYYY = 2; YYYYQ1 = 3; YYYYQ2 = 4; YYYYQ3 = 5; YYYYQ4 = 6; TBD = 7; } message CompanyLogoResult { repeated CompanyLogo companylogos = 1; } message CompanyLogo { uint64 id = 1; bool alpha_channel = 2; bool animated = 3; int32 height = 4; string image_id = 5; string url = 6; int32 width = 7; string checksum = 8; } message CompanyWebsiteResult { repeated CompanyWebsite companywebsites = 1; } message CompanyWebsite { uint64 id = 1; WebsiteCategoryEnum category = 2; bool trusted = 3; string url = 4; string checksum = 5; } enum WebsiteCategoryEnum { WEBSITE_CATEGORY_NULL = 0; WEBSITE_OFFICIAL = 1; WEBSITE_WIKIA = 2; WEBSITE_WIKIPEDIA = 3; WEBSITE_FACEBOOK = 4; WEBSITE_TWITTER = 5; WEBSITE_TWITCH = 6; WEBSITE_INSTAGRAM = 8; WEBSITE_YOUTUBE = 9; WEBSITE_IPHONE = 10; WEBSITE_IPAD = 11; WEBSITE_ANDROID = 12; WEBSITE_STEAM = 13; WEBSITE_REDDIT = 14; WEBSITE_ITCH = 15; WEBSITE_EPICGAMES = 16; WEBSITE_GOG = 17; WEBSITE_DISCORD = 18; } message CoverResult { repeated Cover covers = 1; } message Cover { uint64 id = 1; bool alpha_channel = 2; bool animated = 3; Game game = 4; int32 height = 5; string image_id = 6; string url = 7; int32 width = 8; string checksum = 9; GameLocalization game_localization = 10; } message EventResult { repeated Event events = 1; } message Event { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; string description = 3; string slug = 4; EventLogo event_logo = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 6; string time_zone = 7; google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 8; string live_stream_url = 9; repeated Game games = 10; repeated GameVideo videos = 11; repeated EventNetwork event_networks = 12; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 13; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 14; string checksum = 15; } message EventLogoResult { repeated EventLogo eventlogos = 1; } message EventLogo { uint64 id = 1; Event event = 2; bool alpha_channel = 3; bool animated = 4; int32 height = 5; string image_id = 6; string url = 7; int32 width = 8; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 9; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 10; string checksum = 11; } message EventNetworkResult { repeated EventNetwork eventnetworks = 1; } message EventNetwork { uint64 id = 1; Event event = 2; string url = 3; NetworkType network_type = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 6; string checksum = 7; } message ExternalGameResult { repeated ExternalGame externalgames = 1; } message ExternalGame { uint64 id = 1; ExternalGameCategoryEnum category = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3; Game game = 4; string name = 5; string uid = 6; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 7; string url = 8; int32 year = 9; ExternalGameMediaEnum media = 10; Platform platform = 11; repeated int32 countries = 12; string checksum = 13; } enum ExternalGameCategoryEnum { EXTERNALGAME_CATEGORY_NULL = 0; EXTERNALGAME_STEAM = 1; EXTERNALGAME_GOG = 5; EXTERNALGAME_YOUTUBE = 10; EXTERNALGAME_MICROSOFT = 11; EXTERNALGAME_APPLE = 13; EXTERNALGAME_TWITCH = 14; EXTERNALGAME_ANDROID = 15; EXTERNALGAME_AMAZON_ASIN = 20; EXTERNALGAME_AMAZON_LUNA = 22; EXTERNALGAME_AMAZON_ADG = 23; EXTERNALGAME_EPIC_GAME_STORE = 26; EXTERNALGAME_OCULUS = 28; EXTERNALGAME_UTOMIK = 29; EXTERNALGAME_ITCH_IO = 30; EXTERNALGAME_XBOX_MARKETPLACE = 31; EXTERNALGAME_KARTRIDGE = 32; EXTERNALGAME_PLAYSTATION_STORE_US = 36; EXTERNALGAME_FOCUS_ENTERTAINMENT = 37; EXTERNALGAME_XBOX_GAME_PASS_ULTIMATE_CLOUD = 54; EXTERNALGAME_GAMEJOLT = 55; } enum ExternalGameMediaEnum { EXTERNALGAME_MEDIA_NULL = 0; EXTERNALGAME_DIGITAL = 1; EXTERNALGAME_PHYSICAL = 2; } message FranchiseResult { repeated Franchise franchises = 1; } message Franchise { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; repeated Game games = 3; string name = 4; string slug = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 6; string url = 7; string checksum = 8; } message GameResult { repeated Game games = 1; } message Game { uint64 id = 1; repeated AgeRating age_ratings = 2; double aggregated_rating = 3; int32 aggregated_rating_count = 4; repeated AlternativeName alternative_names = 5; repeated Artwork artworks = 6; repeated Game bundles = 7; GameCategoryEnum category = 8; Collection collection = 9 [deprecated = true]; Cover cover = 10; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 11; repeated Game dlcs = 12; repeated Game expansions = 13; repeated ExternalGame external_games = 14; google.protobuf.Timestamp first_release_date = 15; int32 follows = 16 [deprecated = true]; Franchise franchise = 17; repeated Franchise franchises = 18; repeated GameEngine game_engines = 19; repeated GameMode game_modes = 20; repeated Genre genres = 21; int32 hypes = 22; repeated InvolvedCompany involved_companies = 23; repeated Keyword keywords = 24; repeated MultiplayerMode multiplayer_modes = 25; string name = 26; Game parent_game = 27; repeated Platform platforms = 28; repeated PlayerPerspective player_perspectives = 29; double rating = 30; int32 rating_count = 31; repeated ReleaseDate release_dates = 32; repeated Screenshot screenshots = 33; repeated Game similar_games = 34; string slug = 35; repeated Game standalone_expansions = 36; GameStatusEnum status = 37; string storyline = 38; string summary = 39; repeated int32 tags = 40; repeated Theme themes = 41; double total_rating = 42; int32 total_rating_count = 43; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 44; string url = 45; Game version_parent = 46; string version_title = 47; repeated GameVideo videos = 48; repeated Website websites = 49; string checksum = 50; repeated Game remakes = 51; repeated Game remasters = 52; repeated Game expanded_games = 53; repeated Game ports = 54; repeated Game forks = 55; repeated LanguageSupport language_supports = 56; repeated GameLocalization game_localizations = 57; repeated Collection collections = 58; } enum GameCategoryEnum { MAIN_GAME = 0; DLC_ADDON = 1; EXPANSION = 2; BUNDLE = 3; STANDALONE_EXPANSION = 4; MOD = 5; EPISODE = 6; SEASON = 7; REMAKE = 8; REMASTER = 9; EXPANDED_GAME = 10; PORT = 11; FORK = 12; PACK = 13; UPDATE = 14; } enum GameStatusEnum { RELEASED = 0; ALPHA = 2; BETA = 3; EARLY_ACCESS = 4; OFFLINE = 5; CANCELLED = 6; RUMORED = 7; DELISTED = 8; } message GameEngineResult { repeated GameEngine gameengines = 1; } message GameEngine { uint64 id = 1; repeated Company companies = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3; string description = 4; GameEngineLogo logo = 5; string name = 6; repeated Platform platforms = 7; string slug = 8; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 9; string url = 10; string checksum = 11; } message GameEngineLogoResult { repeated GameEngineLogo gameenginelogos = 1; } message GameEngineLogo { uint64 id = 1; bool alpha_channel = 2; bool animated = 3; int32 height = 4; string image_id = 5; string url = 6; int32 width = 7; string checksum = 8; } message GameLocalizationResult { repeated GameLocalization gamelocalizations = 1; } message GameLocalization { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; Cover cover = 3; Game game = 4; Region region = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 6; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 7; string checksum = 8; } message GameModeResult { repeated GameMode gamemodes = 1; } message GameMode { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; string name = 3; string slug = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; string url = 6; string checksum = 7; } message GameTimeToBeatResult { repeated GameTimeToBeat gametimetobeats = 1; } message GameTimeToBeat { uint64 id = 1; int32 game_id = 2; int32 hastily = 3; int32 normally = 4; int32 completely = 5; int32 count = 6; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 7; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 8; string checksum = 9; } message GameVersionResult { repeated GameVersion gameversions = 1; } message GameVersion { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; repeated GameVersionFeature features = 3; Game game = 4; repeated Game games = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 6; string url = 7; string checksum = 8; } message GameVersionFeatureResult { repeated GameVersionFeature gameversionfeatures = 1; } message GameVersionFeature { uint64 id = 1; GameVersionFeatureCategoryEnum category = 2; string description = 3; int32 position = 4; string title = 5; repeated GameVersionFeatureValue values = 6; string checksum = 7; } enum GameVersionFeatureCategoryEnum { BOOLEAN = 0; DESCRIPTION = 1; } message GameVersionFeatureValueResult { repeated GameVersionFeatureValue gameversionfeaturevalues = 1; } message GameVersionFeatureValue { uint64 id = 1; Game game = 2; GameVersionFeature game_feature = 3; GameVersionFeatureValueIncludedFeatureEnum included_feature = 4; string note = 5; string checksum = 6; } enum GameVersionFeatureValueIncludedFeatureEnum { NOT_INCLUDED = 0; INCLUDED = 1; PRE_ORDER_ONLY = 2; } message GameVideoResult { repeated GameVideo gamevideos = 1; } message GameVideo { uint64 id = 1; Game game = 2; string name = 3; string video_id = 4; string checksum = 5; } message GenreResult { repeated Genre genres = 1; } message Genre { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; string name = 3; string slug = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; string url = 6; string checksum = 7; } message InvolvedCompanyResult { repeated InvolvedCompany involvedcompanies = 1; } message InvolvedCompany { uint64 id = 1; Company company = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3; bool developer = 4; Game game = 5; bool porting = 6; bool publisher = 7; bool supporting = 8; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 9; string checksum = 10; } message KeywordResult { repeated Keyword keywords = 1; } message Keyword { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; string name = 3; string slug = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; string url = 6; string checksum = 7; } message LanguageResult { repeated Language languages = 1; } message Language { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; string native_name = 3; string locale = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 6; string checksum = 7; } message LanguageSupportResult { repeated LanguageSupport languagesupports = 1; } message LanguageSupport { uint64 id = 1; Game game = 2; Language language = 3; LanguageSupportType language_support_type = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 6; string checksum = 7; } message LanguageSupportTypeResult { repeated LanguageSupportType languagesupporttypes = 1; } message LanguageSupportType { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 4; string checksum = 5; } message MultiplayerModeResult { repeated MultiplayerMode multiplayermodes = 1; } message MultiplayerMode { uint64 id = 1; bool campaigncoop = 2; bool dropin = 3; Game game = 4; bool lancoop = 5; bool offlinecoop = 6; int32 offlinecoopmax = 7; int32 offlinemax = 8; bool onlinecoop = 9; int32 onlinecoopmax = 10; int32 onlinemax = 11; Platform platform = 12; bool splitscreen = 13; bool splitscreenonline = 14; string checksum = 15; } message NetworkTypeResult { repeated NetworkType networktypes = 1; } message NetworkType { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; repeated EventNetwork event_networks = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; string checksum = 6; } message PlatformResult { repeated Platform platforms = 1; } message Platform { uint64 id = 1; string abbreviation = 2; string alternative_name = 3; PlatformCategoryEnum category = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 5; int32 generation = 6; string name = 7; PlatformLogo platform_logo = 8; PlatformFamily platform_family = 9; string slug = 10; string summary = 11; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 12; string url = 13; repeated PlatformVersion versions = 14; repeated PlatformWebsite websites = 15; string checksum = 16; } enum PlatformCategoryEnum { PLATFORM_CATEGORY_NULL = 0; CONSOLE = 1; ARCADE = 2; PLATFORM = 3; OPERATING_SYSTEM = 4; PORTABLE_CONSOLE = 5; COMPUTER = 6; } message PlatformFamilyResult { repeated PlatformFamily platformfamilies = 1; } message PlatformFamily { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; string slug = 3; string checksum = 4; } message PlatformLogoResult { repeated PlatformLogo platformlogos = 1; } message PlatformLogo { uint64 id = 1; bool alpha_channel = 2; bool animated = 3; int32 height = 4; string image_id = 5; string url = 6; int32 width = 7; string checksum = 8; } message PlatformVersionResult { repeated PlatformVersion platformversions = 1; } message PlatformVersion { uint64 id = 1; repeated PlatformVersionCompany companies = 2; string connectivity = 3; string cpu = 4; string graphics = 5; PlatformVersionCompany main_manufacturer = 6; string media = 7; string memory = 8; string name = 9; string online = 10; string os = 11; string output = 12; PlatformLogo platform_logo = 13; repeated PlatformVersionReleaseDate platform_version_release_dates = 14; string resolutions = 15; string slug = 16; string sound = 17; string storage = 18; string summary = 19; string url = 20; string checksum = 21; } message PlatformVersionCompanyResult { repeated PlatformVersionCompany platformversioncompanies = 1; } message PlatformVersionCompany { uint64 id = 1; string comment = 2; Company company = 3; bool developer = 4; bool manufacturer = 5; string checksum = 6; } message PlatformVersionReleaseDateResult { repeated PlatformVersionReleaseDate platformversionreleasedates = 1; } message PlatformVersionReleaseDate { uint64 id = 1; DateFormatChangeDateCategoryEnum category = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp date = 4; string human = 5; int32 m = 6; PlatformVersion platform_version = 7; RegionRegionEnum region = 8; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 9; int32 y = 10; string checksum = 11; } enum RegionRegionEnum { REGION_REGION_NULL = 0; EUROPE = 1; NORTH_AMERICA = 2; AUSTRALIA = 3; NEW_ZEALAND = 4; JAPAN = 5; CHINA = 6; ASIA = 7; WORLDWIDE = 8; KOREA = 9; BRAZIL = 10; } message PlatformWebsiteResult { repeated PlatformWebsite platformwebsites = 1; } message PlatformWebsite { uint64 id = 1; WebsiteCategoryEnum category = 2; bool trusted = 3; string url = 4; string checksum = 5; } message PlayerPerspectiveResult { repeated PlayerPerspective playerperspectives = 1; } message PlayerPerspective { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; string name = 3; string slug = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; string url = 6; string checksum = 7; } message PopularityPrimitiveResult { repeated PopularityPrimitive popularityprimitives = 1; } message PopularityPrimitive { uint64 id = 1; int32 game_id = 2; PopularityType popularity_type = 3; PopularitySourcePopularitySourceEnum popularity_source = 4; double value = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp calculated_at = 6; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 7; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 8; string checksum = 9; } enum PopularitySourcePopularitySourceEnum { POPULARITYSOURCE_POPULARITY_SOURCE_NULL = 0; IGDB = 121; } message PopularityTypeResult { repeated PopularityType popularitytypes = 1; } message PopularityType { uint64 id = 1; PopularitySourcePopularitySourceEnum popularity_source = 2; string name = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; string checksum = 6; } message RegionResult { repeated Region regions = 1; } message Region { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; string category = 3; string identifier = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 5; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 6; string checksum = 7; } message ReleaseDateResult { repeated ReleaseDate releasedates = 1; } message ReleaseDate { uint64 id = 1; DateFormatChangeDateCategoryEnum category = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp date = 4; Game game = 5; string human = 6; int32 m = 7; Platform platform = 8; RegionRegionEnum region = 9; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 10; int32 y = 11; string checksum = 12; ReleaseDateStatus status = 13; } message ReleaseDateStatusResult { repeated ReleaseDateStatus releasedatestatuses = 1; } message ReleaseDateStatus { uint64 id = 1; string name = 2; string description = 3; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; string checksum = 6; } message ScreenshotResult { repeated Screenshot screenshots = 1; } message Screenshot { uint64 id = 1; bool alpha_channel = 2; bool animated = 3; Game game = 4; int32 height = 5; string image_id = 6; string url = 7; int32 width = 8; string checksum = 9; } message SearchResult { repeated Search searches = 1; } message Search { uint64 id = 1; string alternative_name = 2; Character character = 3; Collection collection = 4; Company company = 5; string description = 6; Game game = 7; string name = 8; Platform platform = 9; google.protobuf.Timestamp published_at = 10; TestDummy test_dummy = 11; Theme theme = 12; string checksum = 13; } message TestDummyResult { repeated TestDummy testdummies = 1; } message TestDummy { uint64 id = 1; bool bool_value = 2; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 3; TestDummyEnumTestEnum enum_test = 4; double float_value = 5; Game game = 6; repeated int32 integer_array = 7; int32 integer_value = 8; string name = 9; int32 new_integer_value = 10; bool private = 11; string slug = 12; repeated string string_array = 13; repeated TestDummy test_dummies = 14; TestDummy test_dummy = 15; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 16; string url = 17; string checksum = 18; } enum TestDummyEnumTestEnum { TESTDUMMY_ENUM_TEST_NULL = 0; ENUM1 = 1; ENUM2 = 2; } message ThemeResult { repeated Theme themes = 1; } message Theme { uint64 id = 1; google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 2; string name = 3; string slug = 4; google.protobuf.Timestamp updated_at = 5; string url = 6; string checksum = 7; } message WebsiteResult { repeated Website websites = 1; } message Website { uint64 id = 1; WebsiteCategoryEnum category = 2; Game game = 3; bool trusted = 4; string url = 5; string checksum = 6; }